Useful Git Techniques/Tips

These are a bunch of Git tricks that I've found useful. I'm writing them down so I remember them and so that they might be helpful for anyone else.

Creating a branch based off of another one

git checkout base-branch -b new-branch

This used to be my workflow:

git checkout base-branch
git checkout -b new-branch
git branch new-branch; git checkout new-branch

The first command allows me to combine it all into one.

Removing a file from the previous commit

git reset --soft HEAD~1
git reset file-to-exclude.cpp
git commit -c ORIG_HEAD

This will exclude the file and open an editor with the original commit message that was there before the reset.

Removing a file from a commit in the middle of a bunch of other commits

Figure out the commit that the file was added in:

D -> C -> B -> A

Let's say we're looking to remove a file from C. It's the 3rd commit from A (including A) so we'll use HEAD~3.

git rebase -i HEAD~3

Something like this will pop up:

pick c43c93b Commit A
pick 76c25a0 Commit B
pick 9d8dfbe Commit C

Replace pick with edit (or e) for c43c93b. Save and close the file. Repeat the step from above. Then run git rebase --continue.

Cherry picking a range of commits

The non-inclusive way of cherry-picking commits is:

git cherry-pick c43c93b..9d8dfbe

However, this doesn't include c43c93b.

To inclusively cherry-pick:

git cherry-pick c43c93b^..9d8dfbe

This will include c43c93b as well. However, this still doesn't work on Windows (cmd.exe) because ^ is a reserved symbol.

To escape ^ we need to use ^^. So, on Windows use:

git cherry-pick c43c93b^^..9d8dfbe